How often do you use Object#methods
? That's convenient particularly on IRB.
methods on irb
This is also available on Unite.vim. Write the following code on your ~/.vimrc
let s:unite_source = {
\ 'name': 'evalruby',
\ 'is_volatile': 1,
\ 'required_pattern_length': 1,
\ 'max_candidates': 30,
\ }
function! s:unite_source.gather_candidates(args, context)
if a:context.input[-1:] == '.'
let methods = split(
\ unite#util#system(printf('ruby -e "puts %s.methods"', a:context.input[:-2])),
\ "\n")
call map(methods, printf("'%s' . v:val", a:context.input))
let methods = [a:context.input]
return map(methods, '{
\ "word": v:val,
\ "source": "evalruby",
\ "kind": "command",
\ "action__command": printf("!ruby -e \"p %s\"", v:val),
\ }')
call unite#define_source(s:unite_source)
Execute :Unite evalruby
on your Vim, and write an expression.
Ruby Advent Calendar jp-en: 2010
This entry is for the event Ruby Advent Calendar jp-en: 2010. The previous post was from yhara and the next post will be from authorNari. I'm sure he will write an entry about GC.
I also had written an entry of the event last year
. Time flees away without delay.
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