Blogged by Ujihisa. Standard methods of programming and thoughts including Clojure, Vim, LLVM, Haskell, Ruby and Mathematics written by a Japanese programmer. github/ujihisa

Monday, May 9, 2011

Workshops in Amagasaki, Japan by Me

I organized the 7th Vim workshop and a CoffeeScript workshop in Amagasaki, Japan on the last Saturday.

About 20 to 30 people attended the workshops. Even though the room had an air conditioner, the room was so hot and humid like sauna by them (and their MacBooks.)

I was supposed to make presentations with demonstrations, but unfortunately I forgot bringing my mini-DVI port for my initial version of MacBook Air. There were many MacBook Air attendees but nobody had the same version to me. I eventually gave up using my computer and just made presentation by friends' computers. Sorry for missing demonstrations.

Vim Workshop#7

There were five talks

  • Recommended Vim plugins (by me)
  • The implementation of lingr.vim (by tsukkee)
  • Bundle with Vundle (by kozo2)
  • Unite is useful, and rails.vim as well (by Sixeight)
  • All about vital.vim (by me)

I broadcasted them and recorded some of them (I just forgot recording the others.)

CoffeeScript Workshop

There were five talks.

  • Introduction to CoffeeScript -- syntax and usage (by me)
  • Node.js on Windows, and introduction to (by cuzic)
  • iPhone app development with CoffeeScript and Titanium (by deguchi)
  • TDD with Jasmine and CoffeeScript (by
  • Details of CoffeeScript syntax (by yhara and me)
by fukui

by fukui

See also

Blog entries written by attendees. All of then are written in Japanese.



1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the pleasant events!

