Blogged by Ujihisa. Standard methods of programming and thoughts including Clojure, Vim, LLVM, Haskell, Ruby and Mathematics written by a Japanese programmer. github/ujihisa

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Trying Out Bundler In 1 Minute

Let's write an application which uses the gem library "g" without installing it globally.

Mise En Place

Install bundler to make the application easily.

gem install bundler

And if you already have g, uninstall it to make sure the application you'll make doesn't use the globally installed g.

gem uninstall g

Getting Started

$ mkdir ggg; cd ggg
$ vim Gemfile
gem 'g'
gem 'ruby-growl'

$ gem bundle
$ vim app.rb
require 'vendor/gems/environment'
require 'g'
g 'success!!!'

$ ruby app.rb

That's all!

For your information:

$ tree
|-- Gemfile
|-- app.rb
|-- bin
|   `-- growl
`-- vendor
    `-- gems
        |-- cache
        |   |-- g-1.3.0.gem
        |   `-- ruby-growl-1.0.1.gem
        |-- doc
        |-- environment.rb
        |-- gems
        |   |-- g-1.3.0
        |   |   |-- README.markdown
        |   |   |-- Rakefile
        |   |   |-- VERSION
        |   |   |-- g.gemspec
        |   |   |-- lib
        |   |   |   `-- g.rb
        |   |   `-- spec
        |   |       `-- g_spec.rb
        |   `-- ruby-growl-1.0.1
        |       |-- LICENSE
        |       |-- Manifest.txt
        |       |-- Rakefile
        |       |-- bin
        |       |   `-- growl
        |       |-- lib
        |       |   `-- ruby-growl.rb
        |       `-- test
        |           `-- test_ruby-growl.rb
        `-- specifications
            |-- g-1.3.0.gemspec
            `-- ruby-growl-1.0.1.gemspec

14 directories, 20 files

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