Blogged by Ujihisa. Standard methods of programming and thoughts including Clojure, Vim, LLVM, Haskell, Ruby and Mathematics written by a Japanese programmer. github/ujihisa

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Trying Out Bundler In 1 Minute

Let's write an application which uses the gem library "g" without installing it globally.

Mise En Place

Install bundler to make the application easily.

gem install bundler

And if you already have g, uninstall it to make sure the application you'll make doesn't use the globally installed g.

gem uninstall g

Getting Started

$ mkdir ggg; cd ggg
$ vim Gemfile
gem 'g'
gem 'ruby-growl'

$ gem bundle
$ vim app.rb
require 'vendor/gems/environment'
require 'g'
g 'success!!!'

$ ruby app.rb

That's all!

For your information:

$ tree
|-- Gemfile
|-- app.rb
|-- bin
|   `-- growl
`-- vendor
    `-- gems
        |-- cache
        |   |-- g-1.3.0.gem
        |   `-- ruby-growl-1.0.1.gem
        |-- doc
        |-- environment.rb
        |-- gems
        |   |-- g-1.3.0
        |   |   |-- README.markdown
        |   |   |-- Rakefile
        |   |   |-- VERSION
        |   |   |-- g.gemspec
        |   |   |-- lib
        |   |   |   `-- g.rb
        |   |   `-- spec
        |   |       `-- g_spec.rb
        |   `-- ruby-growl-1.0.1
        |       |-- LICENSE
        |       |-- Manifest.txt
        |       |-- Rakefile
        |       |-- bin
        |       |   `-- growl
        |       |-- lib
        |       |   `-- ruby-growl.rb
        |       `-- test
        |           `-- test_ruby-growl.rb
        `-- specifications
            |-- g-1.3.0.gemspec
            `-- ruby-growl-1.0.1.gemspec

14 directories, 20 files

Monday, December 28, 2009

Usually Something, But If...

Which do you prefer to write in Ruby?

if boundary_condition


unless boundary_condition # `if !boundary_condition` as well.

In such cases, first I try to use guards. This is straightforward.

return code_for_the_extreme_case if boundary_condition

But sometimes I cannot use such notation in cases where not to use return or break.


I made a DSL for this problem.

class UsuallyPending {|i| i.to_s }.
    reject {|i| /__/ =~ i }.
    each {|m| undef_method m }

  def initialize(b1)
    @b1 = b1

  def but_if(cond, &b2)
    if cond

def usually(&b1)

usually do
  p ARGV
  p 'hello!'
end.but_if ARGV.empty? do
  p 'Give me arguments!'

This is a straightforward expansion of postpositive if with block instead of a value.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

BFC: Brainf\*\*k Compilers

Today I released BFC 1.0!

BFC: Brainf**k Compilers

bfc.rb is a compiler written in Ruby, which can compile BF code to Ruby, C, Haskell, Scheme and LLVM.

BFC Shot


$ ./bfc.rb --help
$ ./bfc.rb [-v|--version]

$ ./bfc.rb [-r|--ruby] > helloworld.rb
$ ./bfc.rb [-c|--c] > helloworld.c
$ ./bfc.rb [-h|--haskell] > helloworld.hs
$ ./bfc.rb [-l|--llvm] > helloworld.ll
$ ./bfc.rb [-s|--scheme] > helloworld.scm

$ cat | ./bfc.rb --ruby
$ ./bfc.rb [-r|--ruby|-c|--c|-h|--haskell|-l|--llvm] --run
$ ./bfc.rb [-c|--c] --without-while > helloworld.c
$ spec ./bfc.rb


According to Wikipedia, the programming language Brainf**k has the following 8 tokens that each have semantics. Here is the equivalent transformation from Brainf**k to C.


The bfc.rb converts BF codes to each languages mostly based on the table.

C Translation Table in bfc.rb:

',' => '*h=getchar();',
'.' => 'putchar(*h);',
'-' => '--*h;',
'+' => '++*h;',
'<' => '--h;',
'>' => '++h;',
'[' => 'while(*h){',
']' => '}'

Ruby Translation Table in bfc.rb:

',' => 'a[i]=STDIN.getc.ord',
'.' => 'STDOUT.putc(a[i])',
'-' => 'a[i]-=1',
'+' => 'a[i]+=1',
'<' => 'i-=1',
'>' => 'i+=1',
'[' => 'while a[i]!=0',
']' => 'end'

They are straightforward enough not to be explained the detail.

In the same way, we can write translation tables for most programming languages except special languages including Haskell and Assembly languages.


Translating BF to Haskell needs two tricks. Haskell was difficult to handle BF because:

  • Variables in Haskell are not allowed to be re-assigned
    • ++h is impossible
  • There's no feature like while statement

So I used IO Monad with biding same-name variables, and defined while function.

Haskell Translation Table in bfc.rb:

',' => 'tmp <- getChar; h <- return $ update (\_ -> ord tmp) i h;',
'.' => 'putChar $ chr $ h !! i;',
'-' => 'h <- return $ update (subtract 1) i h;',
'+' => 'h <- return $ update (+ 1) i h;',
'<' => 'i <- return $ i - 1;',
'>' => 'i <- return $ i + 1;',
'[' => '(h, i) <- while (\(h, i) -> (h !! i) /= 0) (\(h, i) -> do {',
']' => 'return (h, i);}) (h, i);'

And the definition of while is:

while cond action x
 cond x    = action x >>= while cond action
 otherwise = return x

This is short, but can handle loop with changing the value with larger scope like C's.


Unlike the effort on Haskell, it is impossible to write simple translation table for C when I can use only goto for control flows instead of while statements. So I made the compile to have label counters to make labels for goto a lot.

Excerpt from bfc.c:

when ','; '*h=getchar();'
when '.'; 'putchar(*h);'
when '-'; '--*h;'
when '+'; '++*h;'
when '<'; '--h;'
when '>'; '++h;'
when '['; "do#{counter += 1}:"
when ']'
  "if (*h != 0) goto do#{counter}; else goto end#{counter};" <<


LLVM Assembly language is similar to Haskell to the extent of the prohibition of re-assignments, and not similar to Haskell to the extend of having do syntax for Monad. So I decided to use pointers to store values. Also, LLVM needs many temporary variables which cannot be re-assigned, so I used counters again to use temporary constants.

The translation table with counters is too big to paste here, so I'll just show the definition of '+' which means '++h' in C.

when '+'
  a = tc += 1; b = tc += 1; c = tc += 1; d = tc += 1
  "%tmp#{a} = load i32* %i, align 4\n" <<
  "%tmp#{b} = getelementptr [1024 x i8]* %h, i32 0, i32 %tmp#{a}\n" <<
  "%tmp#{c} = load i8* %tmp#{b}, align 1\n" <<
  "%tmp#{d} = add i8 1, %tmp#{c}\n" <<
  "store i8 %tmp#{d}, i8* %tmp#{b}, align 1\n"

(where tc is the abbreviation of tmp counter.)

One more thing. LLVM is famous for its aggressive optimizations. For example, the result of the conversion from to LLVM Assembly Language is very long.

$ ./bfc.rb --llvm ./ | wc -l

But once you optimize the assembly by opt command of LLVM, the line of code will become shorter and more succinct.


BFC supports compiling BF to the following language.

  • Ruby
  • C
  • Haskell
  • LLVM Assembly Language
  • Scheme

In some languages it was easy to write the translator, but Haskell and LLVM was tough for me.

If I have a plenty of time, I'd like to try these challenges:

  • Compiling to Erlang
  • Compiling to IA-32 Assembly Language
  • Compiling to LLVM Bitcode
  • More Spec!
  • Benchmark Suite

Anyway, I recommend you to take a look at the BFC. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

LLVM For Starters

Installation of LLVM Compiler and Runtime

See the previous post.

Overview of LLVM

To write a helloworld application, you can choose a path where to start. The typical path is,

  1. Write a code in LLVM Assembly Language (.ll)
    • $ vim sample.ll
  2. Compile it to LLVM Bytecode (.bc)
    • $ llvm-as sample.ll
  3. Run it on LLVM interpreter
    • $ lli sample.bc


  1. ditto
  2. ditto
  3. Compile it to Executable Binary File
    • $ llc sample.bc
  4. Run it!
    • $ ./sample

In this post, I'll explaing about the first step "LLVM Assembly Language".

Helloworld in LLVM Assembly Language

LLVM is not a stack machine but a register machine.



(This table is from wikipedia)

Let's write helloworld application. Before that, I'll show the equivalent code in C.

int main() {
  puts("Hello, world!");
  return 0;

In LLVM Assembly Language, the code will be written as below.

@str = internal constant [14 x i8] c"Hello, world!\00"
declare i32 @puts(i8*)
define i32 @main()
  call i32 @puts( i8* getelementptr ([14 x i8]* @str, i32 0,i32 0))
  ret i32 0

This code suggests the following notices:

  • We can write an integer number directly in the assembly code, on the other hand, we cannot write a string directly.
  • The long name getelementptr seems to be * in C.

If I write helloworld in C like the LLVM Assembly code, it is like:

char str[14] = "Hello, world!";
int main() {
  puts((char *)str);
  return 0;

Fibonacci in in LLVM Assembly Language

Nanki wrote Fibonacci in LLVM Assembly Language.

@str = internal constant [4 x i8] c"%d\0A\00"

define void @main() nounwind {
  br label %loop
  %i = phi i32 [0, %init], [, %loop]
  %fib = call i32 @fib(i32 %i)

  call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf( i8* getelementptr ([4 x i8]* @str, i32 0, i32 0), i32 %fib) = add i32 %i, 1

  %cond = icmp ult i32, 30
  br i1 %cond, label %loop, label %exit

  ret void

define i32 @fib(i32 %n) nounwind {
  %cond = icmp ult i32 %n, 2
  br i1 %cond, label %c1, label %c2

  ret i32 1
  %n1 = sub i32 %n, 1
  %n2 = sub i32 %n, 2

  %fib1 = call i32 @fib(i32 %n1)
  %fib2 = call i32 @fib(i32 %n2)

  %r = add i32 %fib1, %fib2
  ret i32 %r

declare i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8*, ...) nounwind

To understand the code deeper, let me write back the code in C.

int fibonacci(int n);

int main() {
  int i, i_next, fib;
  i = 0, i_next = 0;
  i = i_next;
  fib = fibonacci(i);
  printf("%d\n", fib);
  i_next = i + 1;
  if (i_next < 30) {
    goto loop;
  } else {
    goto exit;
  return 0;

int fibonacci(int n) {
  int cond, n1, n2, fib1, fib2, r;
  cond = n < 2;
  if (cond) {
    goto c1;
  } else {
    goto c2;
  return 1;
  n1 = n - 1;
  n2 = n - 2;
  fib1 = fibonacci(n1);
  fib2 = fibonacci(n2);
  r = fib1 + fib2;
  return r;
  • LLVM Assembly Language enables us to use the same name both for a variable and a function because of the existence of prefix
  • LLVM Assembly Language cannot handle many calculation at the same time like return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1).

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Let's Try LLVM

Mac OS X has LLVM compiler, but doesn't have LLVM Assembler. Let's start installing the trunk LLVM on your Mac.

According to,

$ cd ~/src
$ svn co llvm
$ cd llvm

In the directory there is /docs directory which contains many html files. Check them.

$ ./configure --prefix=/Users/ujihisa/src/llvm/usr
$ gmake -k |& tee gnumake.out

It took long time. After the build process, I found an interesting note.

gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/Users/ujihisa/src/llvm/bindings'
llvm[0]: ***** Completed Debug Build
llvm[0]: ***** Note: Debug build can be 10 times slower than an
llvm[0]: ***** optimized build. Use make ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=1 to
llvm[0]: ***** make an optimized build. Alternatively you can
llvm[0]: ***** configure with --enable-optimized.

I should have set --enable-optimized.

Anyway, let the installation finish.

$ gmake install

It also took time.

Don't forget to make path to the ./usr/bin/. There are many llvm-related executable files.

Hello, world!

Let's write hello world on LLVM!

I referred this page. The sample code contains a small mistakes, so I fixed.

Write the following code on a.ll (not a.11):

@str = internal constant [13 x i8] c"hello world\0A\00"

define void @main() nounwind
  %temp = call i32 @printf( i8* getelementptr ([13 x i8]* @str, i32 0,i32 0))
  ret void;

declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...) nounwind

Assemble it:

$ llvm-as -f a.ll
$ lli a.bc
hello world


The generated file a.bc is a binary file.


Fortunately the svn repository contains a vim script for llvm named llvm.vim. You should install it if you're a vimmer.

(To be continued...)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Today's RubySpec (Dec 21, 2009)

I succeeded in fixing RubySpec to pass all String specs both in Ruby 1.8.7 and Ruby 1.9.2. yay!

$ /usr/bin/ruby ../mspec/bin/mspec ./core/string/*.rb -t ~/rubies/bin/ruby192
ruby 1.9.2dev (2009-12-21 trunk 26145) [i386-darwin9.8.0]

Finished in 0.559929 seconds

93 files, 1083 examples, 6132 expectations, 0 failures, 0 errors
$ /usr/bin/ruby ../mspec/bin/mspec ./core/string/*.rb -t ~/rubies/bin/ruby187
ruby 1.8.7 (2009-07-30 patchlevel 192) [i686-darwin9.7.0]

Finished in 0.483685 seconds

93 files, 889 examples, 5620 expectations, 0 failures, 0 errors

New knowledges for me

  • String#squeeze, #count and #delete receive string sequence like "a-c". In Ruby 1.8, an invalid sequence like "c-a" is just regarded as empty sequence. On the other hand, in Ruby 1.9, it raises an ArgumentError.
  • "\u0085" is NEL: Next Line in utf-8. On my Terminal, it looks like "\n". But actually "n" and NEL are completely different characters.
  • String#% Differs Between Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 (the previous blog post)

`String#%` Differs Between Ruby 1.8 and 1.9

Try the following code on your ruby.

p('%-03d' % -5)

The result on ruby 1.8.* is "-05" while the result on ruby 1.9.* is "-5 ".

So, which behavior is correct? The answer is the latter.

  • String#% is subject to be equivalent to sprintf(3)
  • "-" means "left-align"
  • "0" means "completing the spaces with 0" when the alignment is right-align

So, "-0" is equivalent to mere "-". According to the principle, the behavior on ruby 1.8 is wrong.

(I think that the reason why ruby core developers don't change the 1.8's behavior is that the change may break existing codes.)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Efficient Software-Based Fault Isolation



Citation: Wahbe, R., Lucco, S., Anderson, T. E., and Graham, S. L. 1993. Efficient software-based fault isolation. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (Asheville, North Carolina, United States, December 05 – 08, 1993). SOSP ‘93. ACM, New York, NY, 203-216. (PS) (PDF)

This paper is in December 1993; 16 years ago. This paper discusses how to isolate a system failure without using any special hardwares. For example, how to impound a bug within the process is important because nobody expects that a bug of a game which is working on a system causes the whole system to crash.

This paper explains the approach with the following subsections.

  • Segment Matching
  • Address Sandboxing
  • Optimizations
  • Process Resources
  • Data Sharing
  • Implementation and Verification

Yacc, JavaCC and Racc

To compare the three parser generators, here I'll show an easy sample written in them.

Target Syntax

The following codes are accepted.

  • "1+2"
  • "23423423432 + 923401"
  • "23432 + 2"

The compiler will calculate the single addition and shows the value.

The following codes aren't accepted.

  • "1+2+3"
  • "1-2"
  • "1+"


The following code is from Standard Compiler by Minero Aoki.

The filename is A.jj.


class A {
  static public void main(String[] args) {
    for (String arg : args) {
      try {
      catch (ParseException ex) {

  static public long evaluate(String src) throws ParseException {
    Reader reader = new StringReader(src);
    return new A(reader).expr();

SKIP: { <[" ", "\t", "\r", "\n"]> }

  <INTEGER: (["0"-"9"])+>

long expr():
  Token x, y;
  x=<INTEGER> "+" y=<INTEGER> <EOF>
      return Long.parseLong(x.image) + Long.parseLong(y.image);

To run this, type the following commends

$ javacc A.jj
$ javac
$ java A '1 +  3'

This build process produces the following files automatically.

  • A.class
  • AConstants.class
  • ATokenManager.class
  • ParseException.class
  • SimpleCharStream.class
  • Token.class
  • TokenMgrError.class

Yacc and Lex


%token NUMBER


expr : NUMBER '+' NUMBER { printf("%d", $1 + $3); }

#include <stdio.h>
#include "lex.yy.c"


#include ""
[0-9]+    {sscanf(yytext,"%d",&yylval); return(NUMBER);}
[ \r\n\t]   ;
.         return(yytext[0]);
#ifndef yywrap
yywrap() { return 1; }


$ bison -d a.y && lex a.l
$ gcc -ly -ll
$ ./a.out

files automatically generated

  • a.out
  • lex.yy.c


I referred this blog entry


class A
  token NUM
   expr : NUM '+' NUM { result = val[0] + val[2] }
---- header
require 'strscan'
---- inner
  def parse(str)
    @tokens = []
    s =
    until s.eos?
      when s.scan(/[0-9]+/)
        @tokens << [:NUM, s[0].to_i]
      when s.skip(/[ \t\r\n]/)
        @tokens << [s.getch, nil]

  def next_token

And runs

$ racc a.racc
$ ruby192 -r ./ -e 'p "1+ 2"'

Files automatically generated



The lines of code which I have to write by myself:

  • JavaCC: 39
  • Yacc: 9 + 11
  • Racc: 26

The lines of code which are automatically generated:

  • JavaCC: 1446
  • Yacc: 3280
  • Racc: 117 (assuming the gem library racc is already installed)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Trying to Install JavaCC (Java Compiler Compiler)

$ sudo port install javacc
--->  Computing dependencies for readline
--->  Fetching readline
--->  Attempting to fetch readline-6.0.tar.gz from
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for readline
--->  Extracting readline
--->  Applying patches to readline
--->  Configuring readline
--->  Building readline
--->  Staging readline into destroot
--->  Deactivating readline @6.0.000_1
--->  Computing dependencies for readline
--->  Installing readline @6.0.000_2+darwin
--->  Activating readline @6.0.000_2+darwin
--->  Cleaning readline
--->  Computing dependencies for sqlite3
--->  Fetching sqlite3
--->  Attempting to fetch sqlite-3.6.21.tar.gz from
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for sqlite3
--->  Extracting sqlite3
--->  Configuring sqlite3
--->  Building sqlite3
--->  Staging sqlite3 into destroot
--->  Deactivating sqlite3 @3.6.16_0
--->  Computing dependencies for sqlite3
--->  Installing sqlite3 @3.6.21_0
--->  Activating sqlite3 @3.6.21_0
--->  Cleaning sqlite3
--->  Computing dependencies for javasqlite
--->  Fetching javasqlite
--->  Attempting to fetch javasqlite-20060714.tar.gz from
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for javasqlite
--->  Extracting javasqlite
--->  Applying patches to javasqlite
--->  Configuring javasqlite
--->  Building javasqlite
Error: Target returned: shell command " cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_java_javasqlite/work/javasqlite-20060714" && /usr/bin/make -j1 all " returned error 2
Command output: /usr/bin/javac -nowarn  SQLite/
/usr/bin/javac -nowarn  SQLite/
/usr/bin/javac -nowarn  SQLite/
/usr/bin/javac -nowarn  SQLite/
Note: ./SQLite/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
/usr/bin/javac -nowarn  SQLite/
./libtool /usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -I/opt/local/include -I/opt/local/include \
            -DHAVE_SQLITE2=1 -DHAVE_SQLITE3=1 \
            -o native/mkconst native/mkconst.c /opt/local/lib/ /opt/local/lib/
libtool: warning: cannot infer operation mode from `/usr/bin/gcc-4.0'
libtool: you must specify a MODE
Try `libtool --help' for more information.
make: *** [native/mkconst] Error 1

Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

readline, sqlite3, javasqlite... What was happening? I just wanted to install JavaCC...

RubyConf 2009 Was Great

I had been staying in Burlingame, California to attend RubyConf 2009 and JRubyConf 2009.

rooms matz keynote breakfast aisle people by tmaedax Matz eatz breakfast alone

I made two presentations there in English.

"Hacking parse.y"

First, I made 45 minutes presentation in English there.

I talked about the parser part of MRI (Matz Ruby Implementation) with demonstrations including adding new syntaxes.

(I wouldn't like to say something negative, but I have to say that my presentation wasn't as well as I expected. I think the reasons were that I was sick at the time and I needed more safety nets of my demonstration.)

"Termtter the ultimate twitter client"

Second, I made 5 minutes short talk there.

This slides were made by jugyo. He tried to make presentation, but he was so afraid of his English that he asked me to make it instead. So I did.

LT; photo taken by kakutani

My roommates.

roommates; Photo taken by kakutani

JRubyConf 2009

I also attended JRubyConf 2009 the day after RubyConf 2009. I really wanted to attend all sessions, but I couldn't because my body condition was worst at the time.

1 2

My Personal Impression

Small But Important Events

I went to Engine Yard twice. I went to eat lunch and dinner with great programmers. I talked a lot. I gave some presents to some people, and I got great things by them as well.

rubyspec conf; photo taken by tmaedax

the Last Supper


I was surprised to notice that I was starting to feel as comfortable with English as with Japanese. A few years ago, English was kind of cryptic language for me. To use English, I had to think a lot like calculating. I had to think and translate before I could understand what I was listening to.

When I lived in Canada, I didn't notice that I had stopped doing that. Maybe because my improvement was too gradual to be noticed. My one month stay in Japan made me realize this fact.

It's exciting. Even though I still can't speak English fluently or listen to English without having difficulties, but at least, now I don't feel like using English is so difficult.

Transit at Salt Lake City



Left Hand Values in Ruby

Local variables, Constants, Instance variables, Class variables and global variables

a = 1
A = 1
@a = 1
@@a = 1
$a = 1

Arefs and Attributes

a[:b] = 1
# a.[](:b, 1)

a.b = 1
a::b = 1


a, A, @a, @@a, $a, a[:b], a.b =
  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1


a += 1
# a, b += 1, 2  raises Syntax Error!

The only one syntax which allows to write expression in left hand sides is aref. For example, a[random(10)] = 1 is accepted. Also, I can write such codes:

alias []= instance_variable_set
alias [] instance_variable_get

a =
a['@a'] = 1
p a['@a'] #=> 1
p a #=> #<Object:0x40afb0 @a=1>

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Termtter Installs New Gem Libraries Automatically

I wrote a new termtter plugin.

Once you use this plugin by plug gem_install, your termtter will install arbitrary gem libraries when they appeared on your timeline, replies or anything on your termtter. How useful it is. If you already have g, the automatic installation will be announced on your Growl.

The plugin needs more fixes and spec.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Write Implementation and Spec on the Same File

-- For day 1

Sometimes it would be preferable to write the implementation and the specific on the same single file because of the reasons including ease of maintenance and ease of distribution. The following snippet will be helpful for the purpose.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby


case $0
when __FILE__
  {command line interface of the implementation}
when /spec[^/]*$/
  {spec of the implementation}

For example, assuming a.rb is that you've written with using the template,

  • ruby a.rb runs {implementation} and {command line interface of the implementation}
  • ./a.rb runs {implementation} and {command line interface of the implementation}
  • spec a.rb runs {implementation} and {spec of the implementation} with RSpec
  • require 'a' in other scripts runs only {implementation}.
