I organized a Vim workshop in Tokyo, Japan. The name of the workshop was ujihisa.vim. More than 40 people tried to come but 20+ people attended at this workshop due to the capacity of the room.
The venue
I went to Tokyo for this workshop.
a photo by guyon
- shadow.vim with me
- shadow.vim
- arbitrary macros for arbitrary programming languages
- e.g. compiling CoffeeScript into JavaScript secretly
- it's not a framework but just a tool; you can combine it with others easily
- shadow.el is also available
- shadow.vim
- all your vimrc is belong to us with kana1
- picks a victim, points a lot of bad smells in the vimrc of the victim, and fix them!
- if the length of your vimrc is less than 1000, you aren't a Vimmer yet.
syntax on
is evil. usesyntax enable
- i18n with niw
doesn't treat multi-byte character correctly.
- tiny-vim with guyon
- about Debian package "tiny-vim"
- no built-in documentation!
- Vim in 5 minutes with Shougo
- neocomplcache, unite, vimshell and vimfiler author
- explained everything about Vim exactly within 5 minutes and extra minutes for further details
- vital.vim with me
- it's amazing. use it if you are a Vim plugin author.
- something like jQuery (from JavaScript) + Bundler (from Ruby)
- there's an issue in vital.vim about debugging with quickrun. (*)
- metarw-yakiudon with sora_h
- a metarw plugin yakiudon
- works almost exactly same as blogger.vim but the backend Ruby library is different
- after this presentation he talked about Ruby core development
(*) thinca, the quickrun author, fixed this issue with the following change in vital during the workshop!
Before and after the workshop some of the attendees had lunch and dinner with good Vim conversation. The topics were a lot.. vimshell, CoffeeScript, Titanium, HootSuite, Twitter, Ruby core, the ultimate programming language Zimbu, PHP vs Vim script, Emacs lisp and etc...
- "It's... it's not the Vim I knew..."
- "I came to Japan from San Francisco only for attending at this workshop"
- "Wow! HootSuite for iPad works amazingly!!!"