Blogged by Ujihisa. Standard methods of programming and thoughts including Clojure, Vim, LLVM, Haskell, Ruby and Mathematics written by a Japanese programmer. github/ujihisa

Monday, July 25, 2011

Compiling a C File, Preserving the LLVM File

Assuming you have a C file a.c and want to get a.ll and a.o.

An intuitive way is that

$ clang -flto -S a.c
$ mv a.s a.ll
$ clang -flto -c a.c

But the second clang looks waste of CPU; you generate an LLVM assembly language and then you generate an object file through LLVM assembly language without using the generated assembly file.

Let me break down the second command into small pieces..

$ clang -flto -S a.c
$ mv a.s a.ll
$ llc a.ll
$ gcc -c a.s


$ gcc -c --save-temps a.c

oh... very easy...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

String Interpolation in Haskell

Ruby has a special syntac in String literal which name is String Interpolation that you can write the result of a expression in a string easily.

"hello, #{name}!"

The notation is equivalent to the following notation.

"hello, " + name + "!"

That's not only available in Ruby but also in CoffeeScript.

I wrote this for Haskell in Haskell.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as P
import Control.Applicative

main = T.putStrLn $ stringInterpolate "as{df \"jkl#{x}jkw\"jl}kf"

(<<) = T.append

stringInterpolate :: T.Text -> T.Text
stringInterpolate x = case P.parseOnly stringInterpolate' x of
                           Left x -> T.pack x
                           Right x -> x

stringInterpolate' :: P.Parser T.Text
stringInterpolate' = P.try $
  T.concat <$> P.many (block <|> string <|> T.singleton `fmap` P.notChar '}')

block :: P.Parser T.Text
block = P.try $ do
  x <- (P.char '{') *> stringInterpolate' <* (P.char '}')
  return $ "{" << x << "}"

-- "jklsfj#{...}sdjfkl"
string :: P.Parser T.Text
string = P.try $ do
  x <- (P.char '"') *> stringContent <* (P.char '"')
  return $ "(\"" << x << "\")"

-- jklsfj#{...}sdjfkl
stringContent :: P.Parser T.Text
stringContent = P.try $
  T.concat <$> P.many (interpolate <|> T.singleton `fmap` P.notChar '"')

-- #{...}
interpolate :: P.Parser T.Text
interpolate = P.try $ do
  x <- P.string "#{" *> stringInterpolate' <* P.char '}'
  return $ "\" ++ " << x << " ++ \""

String concatination in Haskell is ++. The program above converts string literals like the below.

"hello, #{name}!"

("hello, " ++ name ++ "!")

You can write arbitrary expression in the placeholder.

"hello, #{[ toUpper c | c <- ['a'..'z'] ]}!"

("hello, " ++ [ toUpper c | c <- ['a'..'z'] ] ++ "!")
